NEWS: The World Re-Imagined Community Launch this Friday!

Join members of the Decolonising Memory team at the community launch of The World Re-Imagined project and art event series at St. Paul’s Learning Centre, 12-3pm where we will be teaching the dance! Come along for the workshop and learn the memorial folk dance with us.

The World-Reimagined is a creative project looking at transforming understanding of the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans and its impact. The even on Saturday launches a trail of globes around the city. There will be food, drumming and language sessions and it’s free and open to all.

Come along and learn the dance! There will be further opportunities to learn the dance in the next few weeks building to a mass dance performance on Tuesday 23rd August to mark UNESCO Slavery Remembrance Day. Watch this space for more information!

Sign up for The World Re-Imagined launch HERE